Genre: Exploration
“Wee Boats” is a chill, colourful game, all about the joy of exploration. Operate your very own miniature water vessel and take to the seas! Your interactions are as simple as a cheery honk, and they ripple outwards, bringing out playful reactions from your surroundings. This is a world to take a moment, relax and have a laugh in, as you traverse the unknown, visiting places that are full of life and secrets to discover.
Use your Ship’s Logbook to keep track of the discoveries that you make along the way to tell the story of your time at sea.
Have you something on your mind? You can pass a thought on to future players by dropping a message in a bottle into the ocean. You may come across another message from a past Wee Boater too!
While this game can be downloaded and played with a keyboard, we have designed some custom controllers to bring the game to life on the exhibition floor! Firstly we have a custom Steering Wheel to put you properly in control of your Wee Boat. And secondly, you can sketch a drawing or thought on paper which will then be scanned and dropped into the game world. These are built by us with a mixture of Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Papier Mache!